
We have the largest resources on Indonesia real estate law. As you can see, in this section, our firm has compiled all of our resources on real estate law comprising ebooks, articles, book, podcasts, and videos. We hope that these resources are useful for you.



Real Property Jurisprudences
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Hukum Properti
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Efektivitas Ketentuan SP3L Terhadap Perolehan Tanah Di Wilayah DKI Jakarta
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Real Estate – Getting The Deal Through
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Property And Trust Law In indonesia
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Real Estate Law (Chapter I)
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Panduan Praktis Hukum Properti
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Hukum Norma yang Tidak Adil
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Yurisprudensi Hukum Properti Selama 70 Tahun (1952-2022)
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    • Leks Newsletter January 2016
      What’s in this Newsletter
      • Leks News Update :
        • Awarded as the Winner as Property Law Firm of the Year – Indonesia by Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine
      • Leks Legal Update :
        • Importer Identification Number
      • Leks Blog Update :
        • Limitation of Selling Price of Modest Condominium Unit and Individual Income Who Obtains the Modest Condominium Unit
        • Facilities and Convenience in the Special Economic Area
    • Leks Newsletter February 2016
      What’s in this Newsletter
      • Leks News Update :
        • Legal Column in Property&Bank Titled “Mungkinkah Membatasi Peralihan HGU?”
        • Conflicting Laws on Foreign Property Ownership
      • Leks Legal Update :
        • Procedures of Evaluation o Issuing IUP for Mineral and Coal Mining
      • Leks Blog Update :
        • Preserved Cultural Heritage Building
        • Procedure of Applying for Facilities on Reduction of Entity’s Income Tax
    • Leks Newsletter March 2016
      What’s in this Newsletter
      • Leks News Update :
        • “Simpang Siur Ijin Lokasi” by Eddy Leks
      • Leks Legal Update :
        • Secretary of Issuer or Publicy Listed Company
      • Leks Blog Update :
        • Requirements and Guidelines of Application for Registration and Intellectual Prooperty License Agrement
        • Guidelines for Issuing and Reporting Asset Backed Securities in the Form of Participation Letters Within the Framework for Secondary Housing Financing
    • Leks Newsletter April 2016
      What’s in this Newsletter
      • Leks News Update :
        • “Konsep Kepemilikan Satuan Rumah Susun” by Eddy Leks
      • Leks Legal Update :
        • Guideline and Procedure for Controlling Capital Investment Operation
      • Leks Blog Update :
        • The Terms of Occupational Health and Safety Elevator for Transportation of People or Goods
        • The Public Housing Savings (Tapera)
    • Leks Newsletter May 2016
      What’s in this Newsletter
      • Leks News Update :
        • A Legal Column by Eddy Leks, “Reklamasi, Kewenangan Siapa? (Bagian Pertama)”
      • Leks Legal Update :
        • Decision of the Review by the Constitutional Court on Law Number 20 of 2011 on Condominium
      • Leks Blog Update :
        • Form and Content of Certificate of Right of Land
        • Buyer’s Protection on Hidden Defect under Indonesian Civil Code
        • The Control of Farmland Possession
    • Leks Newsletter June 2016
      What’s in this Newsletter
      • Leks News Update :
        • A Legal Column by Eddy Leks “Reklamasi, Kewenangan Siapa? (Bagian Kedua)”
        • Leks Summary of Constitutional Court’s Review on Indonesian Labor Law Compilation of Various Decisions
      • Leks Legal Update :
        • Capital Market in Indonesia
      • Leks Blog Update :
        • Business Activities of Non-Bank Foreign Exchange and Money Remittance
        • Cultivation of Water Resources
    • Leks Newsletter July 2016
      What’s in this Newsletter
      • Leks News Update :
        • A legal column by Eddy Leks titled “Penyelenggaraan Perumahan dan Kawasan Pemukiman (Bagian I)”
      • Leks Legal Update :
        • Procedure of Relinquishment or Revocation of Right to Cultivate or Right to Use on Burned Land
      • Leks Blog Update :
        • Guidance for Completion of Land Possession Previously Owned by Dutch Citizen or Dutch Legal Entity
        • General Provisions of Goods Distribution
        • Resolution of Land Case
    • Leks Newsletter August 2016
      What’s in this Newsletter
      • Leks News Update :
        • Market-Leading Lawyer On Construction & Real Estate 2016
        • Tax Amnesty
      • Leks Legal Update :
        • Income Tax from Transfer and Conditional Sales and Purchase Agreement of Land and/or Building
      • Leks Blog Update :
        • Management of Land in Coastal Areas and Small Islands
        • Amendment on Authorized Capital for Limited Liability Company
    • Leks Newsletter September 2016
      What’s in this Newsletter
      • Leks News Update :
        • Our Represented Case Becomes One of the Legal Jurisprudences Supreme Court Decision No. 3047 K/Pdt/2014
      • Leks Legal Update :
        • New Features in Patent Law 2016
        • Jurisprudence : Legality Of Land Certificate And Girik Letter
      • Leks Blog Update :
        • Coastal Border
        • Implementation of Housing and Residental Areas (Government Regulation No. 14 of 2016)
    • Leks Newsletter October 2016
    • Leks Newsletter November 2016


Slide Presentation

This Podcast was recorded on: 12 January 2016

Dalam episode ini, Dr. Eddy M. Leks dari Leks&Co menjawab pertanyaan dari Mitra Bisnis Pas FM, Bapak Hens, mengenai status kepemilikan ruko yang berdempetan dengan mall. Apakah ruko tersebut termasuk dalam konsep strata title atau memiliki status kepemilikan yang berbeda?

🎯 Pembahasan Utama:
⏳ (0:00) Intro
⏳ (0:30) Apakah ruko berdempetan dengan mall termasuk strata title?
⏳ (0:59) Konsep kepemilikan bersama dalam rumah susun
⏳ (1:18) Nilai Perbandingan Proporsional (NPP) dalam SHMSRS
⏳ (1:58) Perbedaan kepemilikan tanah ruko di dalam dan di luar kompleks rumah susun

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⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤
❗ DISCLAIMER: The content in this video is provided for educational and informational purposes only regarding land law in Indonesia. This video was recorded some time ago, and the regulations discussed may have changed, updated, or no longer apply. We do encourage viewers to verify the latest legal requirements before making any legal or business decisions. Dr. Eddy M. Leks and Leks&Co do not provide specific legal advice through this video. If you require personalized legal consultation, it is recommended to contact a licensed legal practitioner or professional legal consultant relevant to your needs. We are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information in this video. Always verify legal matters before making any decisions related to land and property.

#StrataTitle #RumahSusun #HakAtasTanah #EddyLeks #leksnco #HukumProperti #legaleducation

This Podcast was recorded on: 12 January 2016

Dalam episode ini, Dr. Eddy M. Leks dari Leks&Co menjawab pertanyaan dari Mitra Bisnis Pas FM, Bapak Hens, mengenai status kepemilikan ruko yang berdempetan dengan mall. Apakah ruko tersebut termasuk dalam konsep strata title atau memiliki status kepemilikan yang berbeda?

🎯 Pembahasan Utama:
⏳ (0:00) Intro
⏳ (0:30) Apakah ruko berdempetan dengan mall termasuk strata title?
⏳ (0:59) Konsep kepemilikan bersama dalam rumah susun
⏳ (1:18) Nilai Perbandingan Proporsional (NPP) dalam SHMSRS
⏳ (1:58) Perbedaan kepemilikan tanah ruko di dalam dan di luar kompleks rumah susun

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⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤
❗ DISCLAIMER: The content in this video is provided for educational and informational purposes only regarding land law in Indonesia. This video was recorded some time ago, and the regulations discussed may have changed, updated, or no longer apply. We do encourage viewers to verify the latest legal requirements before making any legal or business decisions. Dr. Eddy M. Leks and Leks&Co do not provide specific legal advice through this video. If you require personalized legal consultation, it is recommended to contact a licensed legal practitioner or professional legal consultant relevant to your needs. We are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information in this video. Always verify legal matters before making any decisions related to land and property.

#StrataTitle #RumahSusun #HakAtasTanah #EddyLeks #leksnco #HukumProperti #legaleducation

YouTube Video VVVwZmhmTV9aRjZheFdza2RsVjlEekFnLmsxVERRekVEME84


This Podcast was recorded on: 05 January 2016

Dalam edisi kali ini, Dr. Eddy M. Leks dari Leks&Co membahas secara mendalam mengenai konsep hak menguasai negara yang diwujudkan melalui hak pengelolaan. Video ini menguraikan bagaimana hak pengelolaan berperan sebagai sarana pengaturan peruntukan dan penggunaan tanah oleh badan-badan pemerintahan, serta membandingkan konsepsi hukum tanah nasional dengan konsep hukum tanah barat dan feodal.

🔹 Pembahasan Utama:
⏳ 0:00 Intro
⏳ 0:28 Hak menguasai negara dan realisasinya melalui hak pengelolaan
⏳ 0:50 Hak pengelolaan sebagai perwujudan hak menguasai negara yang diberikan kepada badan pemerintahan
⏳ 1:50 Perbandingan konsepsi hukum tanah nasional dengan hukum tanah barat dan feodal
⏳ 2:06 Esensi hukum tanah barat & Konsep hukum tanah feodal
⏳ 2:35 Adopsi konsep feodal oleh Raffles pada masa pemerintahan Inggris: Land Rent

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📌 Tonton video episode sebelumnya →

⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤
❗ DISCLAIMER: The content in this video is provided for educational and informational purposes only regarding land law in Indonesia. This video was recorded some time ago, and the regulations discussed may have changed, updated, or no longer apply. We do encourage viewers to verify the latest legal requirements before making any legal or business decisions. Dr. Eddy M. Leks and Leks&Co do not provide specific legal advice through this video. If you require personalized legal consultation, it is recommended to contact a licensed legal practitioner or professional legal consultant relevant to your needs. We are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information in this video. Always verify legal matters before making any decisions related to land and property.

#HakPengelolaan #HukumTanah #HakMenguasaiNegara #LegalEducation #PertanahanNasional #leksnco #eddyleks #UUPA #agraria

This Podcast was recorded on: 05 January 2016

Dalam edisi kali ini, Dr. Eddy M. Leks dari Leks&Co membahas secara mendalam mengenai konsep hak menguasai negara yang diwujudkan melalui hak pengelolaan. Video ini menguraikan bagaimana hak pengelolaan berperan sebagai sarana pengaturan peruntukan dan penggunaan tanah oleh badan-badan pemerintahan, serta membandingkan konsepsi hukum tanah nasional dengan konsep hukum tanah barat dan feodal.

🔹 Pembahasan Utama:
⏳ 0:00 Intro
⏳ 0:28 Hak menguasai negara dan realisasinya melalui hak pengelolaan
⏳ 0:50 Hak pengelolaan sebagai perwujudan hak menguasai negara yang diberikan kepada badan pemerintahan
⏳ 1:50 Perbandingan konsepsi hukum tanah nasional dengan hukum tanah barat dan feodal
⏳ 2:06 Esensi hukum tanah barat & Konsep hukum tanah feodal
⏳ 2:35 Adopsi konsep feodal oleh Raffles pada masa pemerintahan Inggris: Land Rent

📌 Jangan lupa Subscribe untuk pembahasan hukum properti dan pertanahan lainnya!
📌 Tonton video episode sebelumnya →

⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤
❗ DISCLAIMER: The content in this video is provided for educational and informational purposes only regarding land law in Indonesia. This video was recorded some time ago, and the regulations discussed may have changed, updated, or no longer apply. We do encourage viewers to verify the latest legal requirements before making any legal or business decisions. Dr. Eddy M. Leks and Leks&Co do not provide specific legal advice through this video. If you require personalized legal consultation, it is recommended to contact a licensed legal practitioner or professional legal consultant relevant to your needs. We are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information in this video. Always verify legal matters before making any decisions related to land and property.

#HakPengelolaan #HukumTanah #HakMenguasaiNegara #LegalEducation #PertanahanNasional #leksnco #eddyleks #UUPA #agraria

YouTube Video VVVwZmhmTV9aRjZheFdza2RsVjlEekFnLkkxdW5NWFNiSWIw


This Podcast was recorded on: 29 December 2015

Bagaimana konsep hukum tanah nasional setelah terbitnya Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria (UUPA)? Dalam episode ini, Dr. Eddy M. Leks dari Leks&Co akan membahas asas fundamental dalam hukum pertanahan Indonesia, termasuk asas komunalistik dan religius, serta perbedaan antara hak menguasai negara dan sistem kepemilikan tanah di era kolonial Belanda.

Dalam UUPA, tanah di Indonesia tidak dimiliki oleh negara, melainkan dikuasai oleh negara untuk sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat. Bagaimana implementasi konsep ini dalam praktik? Simak pembahasannya dalam video ini!

🔹 Pembahasan Utama:
⏳ (0:00) Intro
⏳ (0:46) Asas Komunalistik dalam UUPA
⏳ (1:07) Hak Kebersamaan & Hak Bangsa Indonesia
⏳ (1:21) Aspek Religius dalam Hukum Tanah Nasional
⏳ (2:12) Perbedaan Konsep Hukum Tanah Indonesia vs. Belanda
⏳ (2:51) Apa Itu Tanah Negara? Hak Menguasai vs. Hak Memiliki
⏳ (3:43) Peran Pemerintah dalam Hak Menguasai Negara

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📌 Tonton video episode sebelumnya →

⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤
❗ DISCLAIMER: The content in this video is provided for educational and informational purposes only regarding land law in Indonesia. This video was recorded some time ago, and the regulations discussed may have changed, updated, or no longer apply. We do encourage viewers to verify the latest legal requirements before making any legal or business decisions. Dr. Eddy M. Leks and Leks&Co do not provide specific legal advice through this video. If you require personalized legal consultation, it is recommended to contact a licensed legal practitioner or professional legal consultant relevant to your needs. We are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information in this video. Always verify legal matters before making any decisions related to land and property.

#HukumPertanahan #UndangUndangPokokAgraria #RUUPertanahan #HukumProperti #EddyLeks #LeksnCo #RealEstateLaw #Pertanahan #LegalUpdate #InvestasiProperti #resolvingCCREdisputes #CCRE #HakMenguasaiNegara #LegalEducation

This Podcast was recorded on: 29 December 2015

Bagaimana konsep hukum tanah nasional setelah terbitnya Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria (UUPA)? Dalam episode ini, Dr. Eddy M. Leks dari Leks&Co akan membahas asas fundamental dalam hukum pertanahan Indonesia, termasuk asas komunalistik dan religius, serta perbedaan antara hak menguasai negara dan sistem kepemilikan tanah di era kolonial Belanda.

Dalam UUPA, tanah di Indonesia tidak dimiliki oleh negara, melainkan dikuasai oleh negara untuk sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat. Bagaimana implementasi konsep ini dalam praktik? Simak pembahasannya dalam video ini!

🔹 Pembahasan Utama:
⏳ (0:00) Intro
⏳ (0:46) Asas Komunalistik dalam UUPA
⏳ (1:07) Hak Kebersamaan & Hak Bangsa Indonesia
⏳ (1:21) Aspek Religius dalam Hukum Tanah Nasional
⏳ (2:12) Perbedaan Konsep Hukum Tanah Indonesia vs. Belanda
⏳ (2:51) Apa Itu Tanah Negara? Hak Menguasai vs. Hak Memiliki
⏳ (3:43) Peran Pemerintah dalam Hak Menguasai Negara

📌 Jangan lupa Subscribe untuk pembahasan hukum properti lainnya!
📌 Tonton video episode sebelumnya →

⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤
❗ DISCLAIMER: The content in this video is provided for educational and informational purposes only regarding land law in Indonesia. This video was recorded some time ago, and the regulations discussed may have changed, updated, or no longer apply. We do encourage viewers to verify the latest legal requirements before making any legal or business decisions. Dr. Eddy M. Leks and Leks&Co do not provide specific legal advice through this video. If you require personalized legal consultation, it is recommended to contact a licensed legal practitioner or professional legal consultant relevant to your needs. We are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information in this video. Always verify legal matters before making any decisions related to land and property.

#HukumPertanahan #UndangUndangPokokAgraria #RUUPertanahan #HukumProperti #EddyLeks #LeksnCo #RealEstateLaw #Pertanahan #LegalUpdate #InvestasiProperti #resolvingCCREdisputes #CCRE #HakMenguasaiNegara #LegalEducation

YouTube Video VVVwZmhmTV9aRjZheFdza2RsVjlEekFnLm1YYXhTWngwT0o0


This Podcast was recorded on: 22 December 2015

Sebelum lahirnya Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria (UUPA) 1960, Indonesia mengalami dualisme hukum pertanahan—hukum adat untuk masyarakat pribumi dan hukum perdata Belanda untuk kelompok lain. Dalam episode ini, Eddy Leks dari Leks&Co membahas bagaimana UUPA menghapus dualisme tersebut, menciptakan unifikasi hukum pertanahan, serta dampaknya terhadap sistem agraria nasional.

🔹 Pembahasan utama:
⏳ (0:00) Intro 
⏳ (0:42) Dualisme hukum pertanahan: hukum adat vs. hukum perdata Belanda
⏳ (1:57) Unifikasi hukum pertanahan setelah UUPA 1960
⏳ (2:51) Fungsi UUPA: menghapus dualisme dan menciptakan kodifikasi hukum agraria
⏳ (3:35) Unifikasi hak-hak atas tanah dan konversi hak dari sistem Belanda
⏳ (4:21) Tujuan UUPA: membangun sistem hukum agraria nasional yang adil

⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤
❗ DISCLAIMER: The content in this video is provided for educational and informational purposes only regarding land law in Indonesia. This video was recorded some time ago, and the regulations discussed may have changed, updated, or no longer apply. We do encourage viewers to verify the latest legal requirements before making any legal or business decisions. Dr. Eddy M. Leks and Leks&Co do not provide specific legal advice through this video. If you require personalized legal consultation, it is recommended to contact a licensed legal practitioner or professional legal consultant relevant to your needs. We are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information in this video. Always verify legal matters before making any decisions related to land and property.

#HukumPertanahan #UndangUndangPokokAgraria #RUUPertanahan #HukumProperti #EddyLeks #LeksnCo #RealEstateLaw #Pertanahan #LegalUpdate #InvestasiProperti #resolvingCCREdisputes #CCRE

This Podcast was recorded on: 22 December 2015

Sebelum lahirnya Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria (UUPA) 1960, Indonesia mengalami dualisme hukum pertanahan—hukum adat untuk masyarakat pribumi dan hukum perdata Belanda untuk kelompok lain. Dalam episode ini, Eddy Leks dari Leks&Co membahas bagaimana UUPA menghapus dualisme tersebut, menciptakan unifikasi hukum pertanahan, serta dampaknya terhadap sistem agraria nasional.

🔹 Pembahasan utama:
⏳ (0:00) Intro
⏳ (0:42) Dualisme hukum pertanahan: hukum adat vs. hukum perdata Belanda
⏳ (1:57) Unifikasi hukum pertanahan setelah UUPA 1960
⏳ (2:51) Fungsi UUPA: menghapus dualisme dan menciptakan kodifikasi hukum agraria
⏳ (3:35) Unifikasi hak-hak atas tanah dan konversi hak dari sistem Belanda
⏳ (4:21) Tujuan UUPA: membangun sistem hukum agraria nasional yang adil

⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤
❗ DISCLAIMER: The content in this video is provided for educational and informational purposes only regarding land law in Indonesia. This video was recorded some time ago, and the regulations discussed may have changed, updated, or no longer apply. We do encourage viewers to verify the latest legal requirements before making any legal or business decisions. Dr. Eddy M. Leks and Leks&Co do not provide specific legal advice through this video. If you require personalized legal consultation, it is recommended to contact a licensed legal practitioner or professional legal consultant relevant to your needs. We are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information in this video. Always verify legal matters before making any decisions related to land and property.

#HukumPertanahan #UndangUndangPokokAgraria #RUUPertanahan #HukumProperti #EddyLeks #LeksnCo #RealEstateLaw #Pertanahan #LegalUpdate #InvestasiProperti #resolvingCCREdisputes #CCRE

YouTube Video VVVwZmhmTV9aRjZheFdza2RsVjlEekFnLmJqUnM1MHE0a0xJ


This Podcast was recorded on: 15 December 2015

Dalam episode ini, Dr. Eddy M. Leks, praktisi hukum properti dari Leks&Co, membahas dasar-dasar hukum pertanahan di Indonesia. Mulai dari sejarah UUPA yang berlaku sejak 1960 hingga keterkaitannya dengan berbagai regulasi lain seperti UU Kehutanan, UU Minerba, dan UU Lingkungan Hidup.

Topik utama:
✅ 0:00 Intro
✅ 0:41 Sejarah dan cakupan Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria
✅ 1:05 Jenis-jenis hak atas tanah di Indonesia
✅ 1:18 Hubungan UUPA dengan regulasi lainnya
✅ 2:32 RUU Pertanahan dan masa depan hukum pertanahan

⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤
❗ DISCLAIMER: The content in this video is provided for educational and informational purposes only regarding land law in Indonesia. This video was recorded some time ago, and the regulations discussed may have changed, updated, or no longer apply. We do encourage viewers to verify the latest legal requirements before making any legal or business decisions. Dr. Eddy M. Leks and Leks&Co do not provide specific legal advice through this video. If you require personalized legal consultation, it is recommended to contact a licensed legal practitioner or professional legal consultant relevant to your needs. We are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information in this video. Always verify legal matters before making any decisions related to land and property.

#HukumPertanahan #UndangUndangPokokAgraria #RUUPertanahan #HukumProperti #EddyLeks #LeksnCo #RealEstateLaw #Pertanahan #LegalUpdate #InvestasiProperti #resolvingCCREdisputes #CCRE

This Podcast was recorded on: 15 December 2015

Dalam episode ini, Dr. Eddy M. Leks, praktisi hukum properti dari Leks&Co, membahas dasar-dasar hukum pertanahan di Indonesia. Mulai dari sejarah UUPA yang berlaku sejak 1960 hingga keterkaitannya dengan berbagai regulasi lain seperti UU Kehutanan, UU Minerba, dan UU Lingkungan Hidup.

Topik utama:
✅ 0:00 Intro
✅ 0:41 Sejarah dan cakupan Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria
✅ 1:05 Jenis-jenis hak atas tanah di Indonesia
✅ 1:18 Hubungan UUPA dengan regulasi lainnya
✅ 2:32 RUU Pertanahan dan masa depan hukum pertanahan

⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤ ⏤
❗ DISCLAIMER: The content in this video is provided for educational and informational purposes only regarding land law in Indonesia. This video was recorded some time ago, and the regulations discussed may have changed, updated, or no longer apply. We do encourage viewers to verify the latest legal requirements before making any legal or business decisions. Dr. Eddy M. Leks and Leks&Co do not provide specific legal advice through this video. If you require personalized legal consultation, it is recommended to contact a licensed legal practitioner or professional legal consultant relevant to your needs. We are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information in this video. Always verify legal matters before making any decisions related to land and property.

#HukumPertanahan #UndangUndangPokokAgraria #RUUPertanahan #HukumProperti #EddyLeks #LeksnCo #RealEstateLaw #Pertanahan #LegalUpdate #InvestasiProperti #resolvingCCREdisputes #CCRE

YouTube Video VVVwZmhmTV9aRjZheFdza2RsVjlEekFnLmxoVFg5S2N0LVNR


Jakarta, April 2024. Over the course of 15 years, Leks&Co has managed from a modest legal practice into an astounding force in real estate law. With an unwavering dedication to maximizing client’s return and upholding truth and justice, we have earned many accolades and recommendations in construction, real estate, M&A, and dispute resolution. We are now forming our new vision to become a leading dispute resolution firm in Indonesia, excelled on CCRE (Contract, Construction, Real Estate, and Environment), focusing on litigation, arbitration, and international arbitration.  

We are grateful for all supports of our clients and members (former and existing), their dedications and hard work for our firm’s growth. Please support us in our new journey. 

Leks&Co is a recommended firm on commercial dispute resolution by Legal500, asialaw, and Benchmark Litigation. Dr. Eddy M. Leks is regarded as “litigation star” by Benchmark Litigation. 

If you have any queries, you may contact us through, visit our website or or visit our real estate law blogs i.e., and

#leksnco #aspiredtoresolvedisputes #primerus #LeksnCoTransformation #LeadingDisputeResolution #CCREexcellence #ContractLaw #ConstructionLaw #RealEstateLaw #EnvironmentalLaw #LitigationExperts #ArbitrationLeaders #InternationalArbitration

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Jakarta, April 2024. Over the course of 15 years, Leks&Co has managed from a modest legal practice into an astounding force in real estate law. With an unwavering dedication to maximizing client’s return and upholding truth and justice, we have earned many accolades and recommendations in construction, real estate, M&A, and dispute resolution. We are now forming our new vision to become a leading dispute resolution firm in Indonesia, excelled on CCRE (Contract, Construction, Real Estate, and Environment), focusing on litigation, arbitration, and international arbitration.

We are grateful for all supports of our clients and members (former and existing), their dedications and hard work for our firm’s growth. Please support us in our new journey.

Leks&Co is a recommended firm on commercial dispute resolution by Legal500, asialaw, and Benchmark Litigation. Dr. Eddy M. Leks is regarded as “litigation star” by Benchmark Litigation.

If you have any queries, you may contact us through, visit our website or or visit our real estate law blogs i.e., and

#leksnco #aspiredtoresolvedisputes #primerus #LeksnCoTransformation #LeadingDisputeResolution #CCREexcellence #ContractLaw #ConstructionLaw #RealEstateLaw #EnvironmentalLaw #LitigationExperts #ArbitrationLeaders #InternationalArbitration

Superepic by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

YouTube Video VVVwZmhmTV9aRjZheFdza2RsVjlEekFnLlZmWXlaTEpyRWk4

Leading the Way: Leks&Co's Transformation to Leading Dispute Resolution Firm

This video was recorded on: 15 November 2023

Managing Partner kami Eddy Leks menjawab pertanyaan dalam webinar "Hukum Arbitrase dan Pemilihan Institusi Arbitrase". Webinar ini membahas tentang perspektif BANI (Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia) dan SIAC (Singapore International Arbitration Centre). Dalam sesi ini, kita akan membahas perbedaan dan keunggulan masing-masing institusi arbitrase serta implikasi hukum yang berkaitan.

Daftar Pertanyaan:
0:00 Tanya Jawab Hukum Arbitrase dan Pemilihan Institusi Arbitrase BANI v SIAC
0:22 Bagaimana kepastian hukum, upaya hukum apa lagi yang bisa dapat dilakakukan oleh pihak yang di rugikan dengan  adanya intervensi dari Mahkamah Agung?
4:13 Dalam hal eksekusi putusan, misalnya salah satu perusahaan menang, sudah final dan mengikat, bagaimana proses eksekusinya untuk memastikan bahwa dilaksanakan eksekusinya tersebut, apakah menggunakan perangkat peradilan  umum juga atau siapa yang bisa membantu kita untuk mengeksekusi putusan arbitrase tersebut?
5:03 Kapan atau dalam keadaan bagaimana suatu perusahaan memumutuskan choice of forum itu memilih arbitrase atau peradilan umum?
Apakah karena pertimbangan material perjanjian atau valuenya cukup material sehingga memilih arbitrase?
9:20 Terkait klausul minimum penyelesaian sengketa di BANI, apakah perlu ditambahkan terkait jumlah arbiter, lokasi dan sebagainya?
Kemudian seberapa penting menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia di BANI ini terutama di pembuktian?
15:28 Ketika sudah ada putusan dan akan dieksekusi tetapi yang akan diekseskusi nilainya tidak mencukupi sesuai dengan gugatan yang diajukan, bagaimana dalam prakteknya?

#eddyleks #leksnco #indonesialawfirm #hukumarbitrase #arbitration #arbitrationlaw #lawyer #bani #siac #badanarbitrasenasional #SingaporeInternationalArbitrationCentre #arbitrationdefinition #arbitrationprocess #mediation #internationalarbitration

This video was recorded on: 15 November 2023

Managing Partner kami Eddy Leks menjawab pertanyaan dalam webinar "Hukum Arbitrase dan Pemilihan Institusi Arbitrase". Webinar ini membahas tentang perspektif BANI (Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia) dan SIAC (Singapore International Arbitration Centre). Dalam sesi ini, kita akan membahas perbedaan dan keunggulan masing-masing institusi arbitrase serta implikasi hukum yang berkaitan.

Daftar Pertanyaan:
0:00 Tanya Jawab Hukum Arbitrase dan Pemilihan Institusi Arbitrase BANI v SIAC
0:22 Bagaimana kepastian hukum, upaya hukum apa lagi yang bisa dapat dilakakukan oleh pihak yang di rugikan dengan adanya intervensi dari Mahkamah Agung?
4:13 Dalam hal eksekusi putusan, misalnya salah satu perusahaan menang, sudah final dan mengikat, bagaimana proses eksekusinya untuk memastikan bahwa dilaksanakan eksekusinya tersebut, apakah menggunakan perangkat peradilan umum juga atau siapa yang bisa membantu kita untuk mengeksekusi putusan arbitrase tersebut?
5:03 Kapan atau dalam keadaan bagaimana suatu perusahaan memumutuskan choice of forum itu memilih arbitrase atau peradilan umum?
Apakah karena pertimbangan material perjanjian atau valuenya cukup material sehingga memilih arbitrase?
9:20 Terkait klausul minimum penyelesaian sengketa di BANI, apakah perlu ditambahkan terkait jumlah arbiter, lokasi dan sebagainya?
Kemudian seberapa penting menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia di BANI ini terutama di pembuktian?
15:28 Ketika sudah ada putusan dan akan dieksekusi tetapi yang akan diekseskusi nilainya tidak mencukupi sesuai dengan gugatan yang diajukan, bagaimana dalam prakteknya?

#eddyleks #leksnco #indonesialawfirm #hukumarbitrase #arbitration #arbitrationlaw #lawyer #bani #siac #badanarbitrasenasional #SingaporeInternationalArbitrationCentre #arbitrationdefinition #arbitrationprocess #mediation #internationalarbitration

YouTube Video VVVwZmhmTV9aRjZheFdza2RsVjlEekFnLmVsMHZuODQ5anhv

Tanya Jawab Hukum Arbitrase dan Pemilihan Institusi Arbitrase BANI v SIAC

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