Pro Bono

One of Leks&Co’s mission is to give contribution to the community by providing a pro bono service. It is one of our obligation as lawyers to help less fortunate people with their legal problem. Helping people by providing free of charge legal service is one of lawyer’s obligations as stated in Law No. 18 of 2003 on Advocate. A pro bono service is also in conform to our core values i.e. gratitude and share.
Committed with its pro bono services, Leks&Co is now listed as the first and the only Indonesian member of Trust Law Connect. Trust Law Connect is a global centre for free legal assistance and anti-corruption news, run by Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of the world’s leading provider of news and information, Thomson Reuters. Trust Law Connect is a free international pro bono vehicle designed to make it easier for organisations with limited means to access free legal assistance and simpler for lawyers to engage in high impact pro bono work. Trust Law Connect operates in more than 140 countries through its network of lawyers and organisations needing assistance, which is growing every day, until now Trust Law Connect community brings together some 230 members, including Leks&Co.
Click here to see the full list of member of Trust Law Connect.
“We make a living by what we get, But we make a life by what we give” – Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965)
On a local scale, we have created a legal blog as one of our manifestation of pro bono service, that is Legal Aid Institute of Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam), that you may visit at This website is in Indonesia language. In this blog, we provide free and useful legal information and we share our legal knowledge to the community so that the people can be informed on their rights and obligations in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia. In LBH AMDG, we also provide free consultation that people can send to us through email. At this moment, we do not provide any representation and/or litigation service to the community through our blog. However, we do provide pro bono services to the select religion and national institute that require our legal assistant to solve and to manage their legal situation.
Leks&Co came into joint cooperation with to provide probono services to readers of