Labor & Employment

We have a considerably remarkable track record on labor law-related services, e.g., advisory, drafting employment agreement, company regulation, advisory on termination of employment, labor dispute resolution, including advisory and dispute with the labor union.


  • Representing PT Sony Indonesia in relation to the employment issue in the Client’s company. Represented the Client on a two party (bipartit) negotiation on a labor dispute between the Client and its employee, represented the Client on a three party (tripartite) proceeding involving relevant Labor Instance on a labor dispute between the Client and its employee;
  • Representing RISC Advisory in drafting a settlement agreement in dual language with regards to the termination of employment relationship;
  • Representing PT Jabil Circuit Indonesia (part of Jabil Circuit Ltd, Fortune 500 company) in reviewing and revising employment agreement and its company regulation;
  • Representing TCL Mobile Communication (HK) Company Ltd., distributor mobile phone components and mobile handsets based in Hongkong, on its bi-party and tri-party resolution.
  • Representing PT JDA Indonesia in assisting on a bi-party stage on a labor dispute between the Client and its employee and on a three party stage involving relevant Labor Instance on a labor dispute between the Client and its employee;


    • PT Sony Indonesia
    • RISC Advisory
    • PT JDA Indonesia
    • PT Jabil Circuit Indonesia
    • TCL Mobile Communication (HK) Company Ltd.

    Press Release


    Employment Agreement by any other Name

    Important Aspects of Job Creation Law related to Employment Sector

    Use of Foreign Labor

    The Termination of The Employment Agreement


    Jakarta Law Firm – Hukum Ketenagakerjaan Pasca UU Cipta Kerja

    Undang-Undang Nomor 13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan dalam Satu Naskah
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