Jakarta, September 2024. We are thrilled to announce that two of our lawyers, Dr. Eddy M. Leks and Dodi Roikardi have contributed their knowledge and thoughts in Indonesia Chapter of the International Comparative Legal Guide – International Arbitration 2024. The International Comparative Legal Guides (ICLG) series of reference publication are co-created by publishers Global Legal Group (GLG) and a multinational panel of expert legal contributors who together gather, research, and publish the primary cross-border legal guidance necessary for law firms, companies, governments, and high-net-worth individuals to operate globally.

The guide explores over 60 Q&As on key arbitration topics, including agreements, governing laws, jurisdiction, choice of law, tribunal selection, procedural rules, interim measures, evidence, awards, challenges, enforcement, confidentiality, costs, investor-state disputes, and general arbitration questions. We hope our contribution will be a valuable reference for arbitration-related matters.

To delve deeper into this topic and gain more in-depth perspective, we encourage you to access the full chapter by simply clicking this link.

Leks&Co is a recommended firm on commercial dispute resolution by Legal500, asialaw, and Benchmark Litigation.

If you have any queries, you may contact us through query@lekslawyer.com, visit our website www.lekslawyer.com or visit our blog.lekslawyer.com, real estate law blogs i.e., www.hukumproperti.com and www.indonesiarealestatelaw.com