Leks Lawyers’ Journal Article on Evidentiary Power of Land Certificate Published in Paradigma Hukum Pembangunan

Jakarta, March 2023. We are delighted to share with you that the journal article on evidentiary power of land certificate written by two of our lawyers, Dr. Eddy M. Leks and Fitri Nabilla have been published in Paradigma Hukum Pembangunan (Perspective on Development Law), a journal managed by Faculty of Law of Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta.

The journal article focuses on the application of Article 32 (2) of Government Regulation on Land Registration. Its objective is to observe the extent to which Article 32 (2) and its elements are implemented in court. Based on the normative legal research method with case study approach in court from 2009 to 2021, the authors found that out of 355 decisions, in their legal consideration, the panel of judges did not refer to Article 32 (2) in 299 decision (84%). The panel of judges however referred Article 32 (2) in 53 decisions (16%). The journal article shows that the elements of Article 32 (2) namely on the issuance of the valid certificate and land certificate has passed 5 (five) years are the two most considered elements by the courts.

Please see attached the journal article for your reference. Feel free to share it to the people you consider would benefit from reading it.

If you have any queries, you may contact us through query@lekslawyer.com, visit our website www.lekslawyer.com or visit our real estate law blogs i.e., www.hukumproperti.com and www.indonesiarealestatelaw.com

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