Our Managing Partner Eddy Leks, will be one of the speakers in a professional certification of real estate agent seminar that will be held on 22 March 2017 at Jakarta Design Centre (JDC) 6th Floor, Lotus 1 Room , Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto, Central Jakarta.

The event that is organized by AREA Indonesia will discuss property market opportunities. The Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia, Enggartiasto Lukito, will be a Keynote Speaker on this event and also the CEO of Jurnalis Media Group, Ir. Indra Utama, as the moderator. In this event, Eddy Leks will present materials about legal aspect of property that is important to be aware of and understood by real estate agents.

Eddy Leks is an Indonesian lawyer working at Leks&Co. He has been recommended by Legal500, asialaw Profiles, Chambers&Partners, IFLR1000 on corporate and mergers acquisition, construction and real estate, and commercial dispute resolution.

Should you have any queries, you may contact us at query@lekslawyer.com.