Jakarta, January 2024. It was originally published in English language to mark the 10th anniversary of the Leks&Co. Now, fast forward three years, the Indonesian transcript titled, “Yurisprudensi Hukum Properti Selama 70 Tahun (1952-2022) Peradilan Umum dan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara” has undergone substantial updates, broadening its content on property law to cover abandoned land, priority rights over land, servitude rights, apartment buildings, criminal aspects of land and buildings, and land registration based on Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997, Article 32 paragraph (2). The book reflects Indonesia’s evolving land legal system, notably with the enactment and repeal of Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation.
Assisted by several of the firm’s Associates, lastly by Fitri Nabilla Aulia, Dr. Leks has compiled a complete jurisprudence collection covering broad types of property in Indonesia spanning for the last 70 years. Dr. Leks said, “We hope that the book is useful for legal practitioner and to people to understand more the complexities of land dispute in Indonesia.”
Dr. Leks is recommended on construction and real estate by Chambers, Legal 500, asialaw, and Benchmark Litigation.
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