by Leks Admin | Insight, Leks&Co, News, Press Release, Real Estate
CEO and Managing Partner of Leks&Co, Eddy Leks, will be a speaker on an workshop organized by Kontan Academy, titled “Kupas Tuntas Aspek Hukum Properti & Pengembangannya”. The event will be held on 9 May 2018 from 09.00 – 17.00 WIB at Hotel Santika Premiere...
by Leks Admin | Insight, Leks&Co, News, Press Release, Real Estate
Eddy M. Leks, CEO of Leks&Co, writes an article titled “Pengalihan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan Dalam Rangka Pengampunan Pajak” (transfer of rights over land and buildings in the framework of tax amnesty). The article was published at the property section in...
by Leks Admin | News, Podcast, Property Law, Real Estate
We are pleased to announce that our new podcast on real estate law, has just been released. You may access it through this link. This 8th season podcast focuses on topics: Land ownership by foreigners in indonesia (Kepemilikan Tanah Oleh WNA Di Indonesia); Permits...
by Leks Admin | Leks&Co, News, Press Release, Real Estate
CEO and Managing Partner of Leks&Co, Eddy Leks, was featured in Bisnis Indonesia daily newspaper as expert on land and property law. His statement was quoted, “if there is no intervention by the government, national certification program for agrarian or prona will...
by Leks Admin | Article, Insight, Leks&Co, News, Press Release, Real Estate
Our CEO of Leks&Co writes a law article titled “Konversi Tanah Bekas Tanah Hak Barat, Bagian II” (Conversion of Land of Western Right, Chaptert II) and published in property section in Property&Bank Magazine. Government Regulation regulates that Indonesian...
by Leks Admin | Article, Insight, Leks&Co, News, Press Release, Real Estate
Our CEO of Leks&Co writes an article titled “Reducing the Residential Backlog” as published in Legal View section in Forbes Indonesia magazine. On this article he explains huge residential backlog, especially in Jakarta. This backlog, he said, demands immediate...