by Leks Admin | Company Law, News, Uncategorized
A Legal Column by Eddy Leks, titled “The Saga of Property for Foreigners” published in Forbes Indonesia, October 2015 Edition. Click here to read more
by Leks Admin | Company Law
Overview of Post Notification for Merger, Consolidation and Acquisition On 20 July 2010, The Government has finally issued Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah or “PP”) Number 57 Year 2010 on Merger or Consolidation of Business Entities and Acquisition of...
by Leks Admin | Company Law
Background Backgroundorpurpose ofthe issuance ofGovernment RegulationNumber43 of2011on Procedures forFilingandUse ofLimited Liability CompanyName (“GR No. 43/2011″)is toimplement the provisionsof Article9 paragraph(4)and Article16 paragraph(4)of LawNumber...
by Leks Admin | Company Law
Background A Limited Liability Companies (“Company”) may gain their capital by increasing its capital, the process is performed based on General Meeting Shareholder’s (“GMS”) Resolution. According to Article 41 paragraph (2) of Law Number 40 of 2007 on...
by Leks Admin | Company Law
Background The application for transfer of ownership of foreign shares can be submitted either by foreign investment company or by domestic investment company. The transfer of ownership of foreign shares shall be conducted whenever there are changes in the company’s...
by Leks Admin | Company Law
Share is a proof that shareholders have conducted a full deposit of capital in Limited Liability Companies (“Company”). Shares in Company are classified based on similar characteristics, it is called classification of shares. Article 53 paragraph (1) of Law...