Our CEO of Leks&Co writes a law article titled “Konversi Tanah Bekas Tanah Hak Barat, Bagian II” (Conversion of Land of Western Right, Chaptert II) and published in property section in Property&Bank Magazine.

Government Regulation regulates that Indonesian citizen who by 24 September  1960 is a sole citizen and owns land with eigendom rights must come to the head of the land registration office within 6 months since the 24th of September, to provide assertiveness about his / her citizenship. For foreigners of foreign descent, such assertion is evidenced by the citizenship in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This article is written in several series.

Eddy Leks has been recommended by Legal500, asialaw Profiles, Chambers&Partners, IFLR1000 on corporate and mergers acquisition, construction and real estate, and commercial dispute resolution.

Should you have any queries, you may contact us at query@lekslawyer.com

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