Winarto Sugondo S. Kom, B.K.P.

Mr. Winarto commenced his professional journey as a tax consultant in 2003, he broadened his scope by serving as a Business and Management Consultant, specializing in system analysis and taxation procedures at the Center for Investment and Business Advisory. These varied experiences have significantly enriched his ability to offer informed counsel to clients on the evolving landscape and impacts of taxation.

Practice Description

Mr. Winarto started his career as a tax consultant at the tax consultant office of Drs. Agung Tjahjady and Partners in 2003. He has sharpened his skills as a tax practitioner for more than 18 years with various experiences and technical skills.

Mr. Winarto previously worked as a Business and Management Consultant with a specialization in system analysis and taxation procedures at Center for Investment and Business Advisory and in a multinational company with multiple lines of business at Wilmar Group Indonesia. Those experiences give him tremendous added value to provide advice to his clients on the developments and impacts of taxation, including to advice on the various developments of tax laws and regulations.

Winarto Sugondo S. Kom, B.K.P.

Counsel of Leks&Co
(021) 5795-7550

Areas of Practice

Tax Audits, Tax Objection, Tax, Appeal, Tax Claim, Judicial Review, Tax Planning, Analysis on Tax Potential and Risk

Professional Qualification
  • Level B Registered tax consultant
  • Tax attorney at tax court
  • Permanent member at Indonesia Tax Consultant Association (Ikatan Konsultan Pajak Indonesia)
  • Administrator of East Jakarta branch Tax Consultant Association at Education and Information Technology between 2019 and 2024
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