Jakarta, January 2022. We are pleased to announce that our Managing Partner, Eddy Leks, contributed one Indonesian chapter on a book titled Asia-Pacific Trusts Law as published in 2021 by Bloomsbury Publishing. His chapter is titled “Arrangements Resembling Trusts under Indonesian Land Law”.

In the modern globalised world there is a growing need to adopt an outward looking approach in dealing with matters of common interest. The book answers this need by bringing together leading legal scholars and practitioners in the region to explore the theory and practice of trusts law, contextualised to specific jurisdictions in the Asia-Pacific, exploring 17 jurisdictions in Asia. Mr. Leks’ chapter argues that there is a legal arrangement resembling trusts in Indonesia that can be applied by any interested party.

Eddy Leks is an Indonesian lawyer, dubbed as “Highly Regarded” on M&A by IFLR1000, included as one of The A List of Indonesia’s Top 100 Lawyers by ABLJ, ranked Band 1 on real estate by Chambers and is noted “for his extensive experience in Indonesia’s real estate legal market.”

If you have any queries, you may contact us through query@lekslawyer.com, visit our website www.lekslawyer.com or visit our real estate law blogs i.e., www.hukumproperti.com and www.indonesiarealestatelaw.com

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