Dumai, 2012. Our firm has successfully defended our client, PT Pacific Indopalm Industries, over a claim of an unlawful act related to the land ownership.
The main claim by the Claimant in this case is, inter alia, to declare that the Defendant conducted an unlawful act by occupying Claimant’s land and demand for compensation. In contrast, the Defendant has refuted those claims by proving that they lawfully bought the disputed land before the PPAT according to the prevailing laws and regulations.
We won in the district court, high court, and Supreme Court. The Supreme Judges considered that the Claimant is unable to prove his ownership over the disputed land, whereas the Defendant has successfully proven that it had bought the disputed land and already certificated according to land regulation, and the principle of plurium litis consortium is not applicable to the Defendant but to the Claimant. The decision by Supreme Court was awarded on 9 June 2015. Responding to the court’s decision, Eddy Leks says, “It is important to comply with land regulations in conducting land transfer to be considered as good faith buyer. When it is proven, one will be legally protected”
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