Following the Decree of the Minister of Health No. HK.01.07/MENKES/239/2020 on Large-Scale Social Limits in DKI Jakarta Province, on April 9, 2020 the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province has issued the Governor Regulation No. 33 of 2020 on Implementation of Large-Scale Social Limits in Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Management in DKI Jakarta Province (“Pergub No. 33/2020“) and Governor Decree No. 380 of 2020 on the Imposition of Implementing Large-Scale Social Limits in Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Management in DKI Province Jakarta (“Governor’s Decree No. 380/2020“).

Large-Scale Social Limits or PSBB are restrictions on certain activities of residents in an area suspected of being infected with Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in such a way as to prevent the possibility of spreading Covid-19. PSBB is implemented in the form of restrictions on activities outside the house by everyone who is domiciled and/or conducts activities in the Province of DKI Jakarta which includes learning activities in schools and/or other educational institutions, work activities at work sites, religious activities in houses of worship, activities in public facilities, social and cultural activities and the use of transportation modes for the movement of people and goods.

Educational Activities Implementation

The activities in schools and/or other educational institutions are temporary suspended during PSBB. All learning activities are transformed into distance learning methods carried out from home or residence. Activities of school administration services are also carried out from home with customized forms of service. Technical implementation and evaluation of learning activities and school administration services during the PSBB will be regulated further by the Regional Apparatus responsible for education. This also applies to institutions of higher education, training institutions, research institutions, development institutions and similar institutions. Temporary suspension is excluded for educational institutions related to health services. During the PSBB, the person in charge of the school is obliged to clean and disinfect educational facilities and infrastructure periodically and to implement a protocol to prevent the spread of Covid-19 for educators and other education personnel.

Work Activities Implementation

The temporary suspension of work activities in the office and replaced by working from home or residence is enforced. Leader of the office conducting PSBB shall ensure that all services provided and/or work activities maintained in limited manner, maintain the productivities of employee, conducting protocol of spread prevention of Covid-19 in work environment and to provide protection to the infected Covid-19 employee in accordance to the prevailing laws and regulations. This spread prevention measurement of Covid-19 shall be carried out by cleaning the working environment and to conduct daily disinfection to the equipment and utilities, and to close access to unauthorized person.

PSBB is exempted for an office with the following categories:

  • Centre or regional Government institution office;
  • Foreign Government Representative Office and/or International Organization;
  • State Owned Enterprise or BUMD Regional Owned Enterprise involved in the handling of Covid-19 and/or in the fulfillment of primary needs of public;
  • Business actors engaged in the sector of health, food/drink, energy, communication and information technology, finance, logistic, hotels, construction, strategic industry, basic services, public utility and industry determined as national vital object and specific object and/or daily needs;
  •  Local and international human organization engaged in the sector of disaster and/or social;

For an office exempted from the PSBB, the leader of such office shall conduct:

  • Limitation of interaction in the work activities;
  • Limitation to each person having an illness and/or condition which may potentially cause fatal consequences, if infected with Covid-19, such as a person with high blood pressure illness, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, lung disease, cancer, pregnant women and a person over 60 years old;
  • To implement the protocol of spread prevention of Covid-19 by ensuring that the work environment is always in a hygienic state, having operational cooperation with health protection and prevention of Covid-19 with nearby health services facility, provide vaccine, vitamin and additional nutrition, conduct daily disinfectant to the equipment and utilities, conduct detection and monitoring of employee’s body temperature, instruct all employees to wash their hand using soap and/or hand sanitizer and wash facilities, to ensure physical distancing for minimum radius of 1 meter, and to notify any policy and/or recommendation related to Covid-19 in the strategic office location; and
  • To restrict any employee and/or other party having high body temperature above average, from entering the office;

Others than the implementation of spread-prevention of Covid-19 protocol and physical distancing, other mandatory policy to be implemented by the business actor running out its business during PSBB are:

  • Business actor engaged in the food and beverage line of business must only provide take away services through online order or by delivery service, provide supporting utensils in order to minimize direct contact with fast food, whether in the preparation process, processing or serving the food, ensure that all processing of food are in compliance with the minimum standard and requires the use of gloves and mask for each having direct contact with food.
  • Business actor engaged in the hospitality business is obliged to provide special services for guest that intend to conduct self-isolation, allow guest to only conduct their activities inside the hotel room, close any facility which may create public crowd within the hotel area and requires all employee to use mask, gloves and work uniform in accordance to the employee’s safety and health guidance.
  • Business actor engaged in construction business is required to limit its employee activities only in the existing construction project area, to appoint person in charge in the implementation of Covid-19 prevention, to provide housing and daily needs for all employee in the project area, to provide adequate health room, to conduct socialization of Covid-19 and to implement daily health monitoring of all worker.
  • Business actor engaged in the supply of primary needs is required to prioritize online order or through transport services, and are not allowed to increase goods price.

In the event of any employee is categorized as patient under supervision, then any work activities in the office must be suspended for at least 14 business days. Medical staff assisted by security will conduct evacuation and spraying disinfectant to the whole equipment and utilities. Temporary suspension shall continue until all evacuation and spraying disinfectant process, health monitoring and isolation of the employee having direct physical contact with employee contracting Covid-19 is completed.

Implementation of Worship, Social and Culture Activities

During PSBB, all worship activities shall be conducted in their respective homes, meanwhile, the time marker of worship activities such as adzan, bells and/or other time marker may still be conducted as usual. Person in charge of worship house is required to close access for any unauthorized person and to conduct daily disinfectant.

All citizens are not allowed to conduct any activities involving more than 5 persons in public space, unless in the event of fulfilling primary needs, such as activities in the traditional market or supermarket and to conduct self-sport activities. The management of public facilities is required to suspend its facilities temporary, except for circumcision, marriage in the KUA and/or Civil Register Office without the wedding reception, funeral and/or death zeal which not caused by Covid-19. All activities shall implement the physical distancing within 1 meter.

Transportation Usage

During the PSBB, all mobilization of people and/or goods shall be temporary suspended, except for fulfilling primary needs and other activities allowed during PSBB. All modes of transportation to transport people shall be temporarily suspended except for private vehicle, public transportation, train and any modes of transportation used for transporting goods.

Any person using private car must use mask in the car and to ensure passengers are not exceeding 50% of the car capacity. Person using personal motorcycle is obliged to use mask and glove, and to spray disinfectant after each use. Meanwhile, application based two-wheeled transportation may only be used for transporting goods. Public transportation may allow transporting passenger not more than 50% of its capacity and to monitor body temperature of its staff and passenger, conduct daily disinfectant spraying, implement physical distancing within 1 meter and to limit operational hours in accordance to the rules set out by the Government of DKI Jakarta Province.

PSBB Period and Incentive

During PSBB, Government of DKI Jakarta Province may provide social assistance to the vulnerable residence affected by the PSBB policy, by providing primary needs and/or other assistance, which will be distributed in accordance to the prevailing laws and regulations. Government of DKI Jakarta Province may also provide incentive to the affected business actor in the form of tax and local retribution reduction, social donation to affected employee and/or other activities in accordance to prevailing laws and regulations.

In accordance with the Governor Decree No. 380/2020, PSBB in the DKI Jakarta Province will be implemented for 14 days commencing from 10 April 2020 until 23 April 2020, and may be extended for a period of 14 days, based on the recommendation from the Task Force for the Acceleration of Management of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) DKI Jakarta Province.

Any violation to the implementation of PSBB will be imposed with sanction, including crime sanction, in accordance to the prevailing laws and regulations.

Herdiasti Anggitya
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